Lots of guys are dying so far not a single golden Knight has passed on the heavy nights are dying left and right look at all, their dead corpses down here come on your birthday okay wonderfully I think it’s safe to say. Just gave me for all something this is an epic battle here well. How we warm up on hold on to you Jesus Christ sorry you mean bastard start the battle I hope you all die after that sassy attitude you. There’s three in their stores around what’s the point of that is. I wonder who’s going to win is it going to be the golden boys there is it going to be the silver boys got their backs turn look at them all. The step there we go start battle seriously though most of the youtubers that I know have been, waiting for a really long time to play, this game and some people have even been making videos of the the trailer for it which is all right okay where the minute there’s somewhere around here oh yeah they. The night team heavy nice and that was that was not very epic he killed one guy they were kind of evenly matched I, guess alright let’s try something else I want to see if I can do more Golden Knights will do 250 golden knights versus 250 heavy nights whatever they, are so we’ll see who will win in this battle and let’s do it in an area, that’s not so mountainous and woodsy will do it down here in this little river bottom oh no wait I like it up here on. What’s going on oh my god that is insane that looks incredible if it looks anything like this in game I’m going to myself and probably pass away on.Ĭamera not to mention this epic music I like, the music it’s gone which is creature oh it’s the golden night alone her stage star battle good luck my friend good luck golden Knight boy look, at him he’s running towards thee oh no 250, of these silver bastards so it’s acting I wonder how many he’s going to be able to kill probably none or maybe some I don’t know they say in stuff there look they’d completely encircled him somehow, he’s still alive they sound more like pirates.

I don’t know how to rotate them that’s alright that’s alright tho huldu 250 medieval knights and 01 golden Knight 101 golden like to, take on okay at a sort of play I just want to see. Okay that’s 250 medieval nice right here can I rotate them. Out the discord me and a bunch of other youtubers have been talking to a bunch, of fancy stuff tastes awesome okay let’s go ahead and set up the map here unit category let’s do medieval heavy nights 250 of them. To see more leave a like down below if we can get let’s say four thousand likes I will do another episode of this very soon okay and also check. Thieves there’s one map rainy I like that weather rainy weather makes me happy time of, day 7am is way too early let’s do let’s do 1pm about that a good relaxed hour it’ll let the odors warm up a bit and also if. Now without any further ado let’s start game I’m kind of excited I don’t know what’s going on here math world of.
It it just came out today I’m pretty positive it’s an alpha version 0.1 so it’s it’s pretty new I guess. Industry is ultimately an epic and I’m almost any breakage ER I get a sleepy boy all right anyway so, this is ultimate epic battle simulator download the game that almost every single youtuber that I know has been waiting for, for a very long time guys this is like the other battle simulator games except the battles are gigantic there’s huge all right I’m super excited to play. Dramatic walk off the screen dramatically. My god ye can be north of the board please protect the man kill the over Chuck Norris kill them what is go on guys my name is alpha and this, ultimate epic battle simulator a battle simulator unlike in before it that’s right can’t you tell by this has been music that’s playing in the background as.